Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Ethiopia: Amnesty International Report 2014/15
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Head of state: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu
Head of government: Hailemariam Desalegn
Freedom of expression continued to be subject to serious restrictions. The government was hostile to suggestions of dissent, and often made pre-emptive arrests to prevent dissent from manifesting. Independent media publications were subject to further attack. Peaceful protesters, journalists, and members of opposition political parties were arbitrarily arrested. The Charities and Societies Proclamation continued to obstruct the work of human rights organizations. Arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment were widespread, often used as part of a system for silencing actual or suspected dissent.
Economic growth continued apace, along with significant foreign investment including in the agriculture, construction and manufacturing sectors, large-scale development projects such as hydroelectric dam building and plantations, and widespread land-leasing, often to foreign companies.
The government used multiple channels and methods to enforce political control on the population, including politicizing access to job and education opportunities and development assistance, and high levels of physical and technological surveillance.
The politicization of the investigative branch of the police and of the judiciary meant that it was not possible to receive a fair hearing in politically motivated trials.
Federal and regional security services were responsible for violations throughout the country, including arbitrary arrests, the use of excessive force, torture and extrajudicial executions. They operated with near-total impunity.
Armed opposition groups remained in several parts of the country or in neighbouring countries, although in most cases with small numbers of fighters and low levels of activity.
Access to some parts of the Somali region continued to be severely restricted. There were continuing reports of serious violations of human rights, including arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial executions. There were also multiple allegations of the rape of women and girls by members of the security services.
Excessive use of force ‒ extrajudicial executions
In April and May, protests took place across Oromia region against a proposed “Integrated Master Plan” to expand the capital Addis Ababa into Oromia regional territory. The government said the plan would bring services to remote areas, but many Oromo people feared it would damage the interests of Oromo farmers and lead to large-scale displacement.
Security services, comprising federal police and military special forces, responded with excessive force, firing live ammunition at protesters in Ambo and Guder towns and Wallega and Madawalabu universities, resulting in the deaths of at least 30 people, including children. Hundreds of people were beaten by security service agents during and after the protests, including protesters, bystanders, and parents of protesters for failing to “control” their children, resulting in scores of injuries.
Thousands of people were arbitrarily arrested. Large numbers were detained without charge for several months, and some were held incommunicado. Hundreds were held in unofficial places of detention, including Senkele police training camp. Some detainees were transferred to Maikelawi federal police detention centre in Addis Ababa. Over 100 people continued to be detained in Kelem Wallega, Jimma and Ambo by security service agents after courts ordered their release on bail or unconditionally.
Many of those arrested were released after varying detention periods, between May and October, but others were denied bail, or remained in detention without charge. Others, including students and members of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) opposition political party, were prosecuted and convicted in rapid trials on various charges relating to the protests.
Freedom of expression, arbitrary arrests and detentions
2014 saw another onslaught on freedom of expression and suggestions of dissent, including further targeting of the independent media and arrests of opposition political party members and peaceful protesters. Several attempts by opposition political parties to stage demonstrations were obstructed by the authorities. The Anti-Terrorism Proclamation continued to be used to silence dissidents. Opposition party members were increasingly targeted ahead of the 2015 general election.
In late April, six bloggers of the Zone 9 collective and three independent journalists associated with the group were arrested in Addis Ababa, two days after the group announced the resumption of activities, which had been suspended due to significant harassment. For nearly three months, all nine were held in the underground section of Maikelawi, denied access to family members and other visitors, and with severely restricted access to lawyers.
In July, they were charged with terrorism offences, along with another Zone 9 member charged in their absence. The charge sheet cited among their alleged crimes the use of “Security in a Box” – a selection of open-source software and materials created to assist human rights defenders, particularly those working in repressive environments.
Six of the group said they were forced to sign confessions. Three complained in remand hearings that they had been tortured, but the court did not investigate their complaints. The trial continued at the end of 2014.
Early in 2014, a “study” conducted by the national Press Agency and Ethiopian News Agency and published in the government-run Addis Zemen newspaper targeted seven independent publications, alleging that they had printed several articles which “promoted terrorism”, denied economic growth, belittled the legacy of former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, and committed other “transgressions”. In August, the government announced that it was bringing charges against several of the publications, causing over 20 journalists to flee the country. In October, the owners of three of the publications were sentenced in their absence to over three years’ imprisonment each for allegedly inciting the public to overthrow the government and publishing unfounded rumours.
The OFC opposition party reported that between 350 and 500 of its members were arrested between May and July, including party leadership. The arrests started in the context of the “Master Plan” protests, but continued for several months. Many of those arrested were detained arbitrarily and incommunicado. OFC members were among over 200 people arrested in Oromia in mid-September, and further party members were arrested in October.
On 8 July, Habtamu Ayalew and Daniel Shebeshi, of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Party, and Yeshewas Asefa of the Semayawi Party were arrested in Addis Ababa. Abraha Desta of the Arena Tigray Party, and a lecturer at Mekele University, was arrested in Tigray, and was transferred to Addis Ababa. They were detained in Maikelawi and initially denied access to lawyers and family. In late October, they were charged under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Yeshewas Asefa complained in court that he had been tortured in detention.
The Semayawi Party reported numerous arrests of its members, including seven women arrested in March during a run to mark International Women’s Day in Addis Ababa, along with three men, also members of the party. They had been chanting slogans including “We need freedom! Free political prisoners!” They were released without charge after 10 days. In late April, 20 members of the party were arrested while promoting a demonstration in Addis Ababa. They were released after 11 days.
In early September, Befekadu Abebe and Getahun Beyene, party officials in Arba Minch city, were arrested along with three party members. Befekadu Abebe and Getahun Beyene were transferred to Maikelawi detention centre in Addis Ababa. In the initial stages of detention, they were reportedly denied access to lawyers and family members. In late October, party member Agbaw Setegn, was arrested in Gondar, and was also transferred to Maikelawi, and held incommunicado without access to lawyers or family.
On 27 October, editor Temesgen Desalegn was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “defamation” and “inciting the public through false rumours”, in the now-defunct publication Feteh, after a trial that had lasted more than two years. The publisher of Fetehwas also convicted in their absence.
People were detained arbitrarily without charge for long periods in the initial stages, or throughout the duration, of their detention including numerous people arrested for peaceful opposition to the government or their imputed political opinion. Arbitrary detention took place in official and unofficial detention centres, including Maikelawi. Many detainees were held incommunicado, and many were denied access to lawyers and family members.
Numerous prisoners of conscience, imprisoned in previous years based solely on their peaceful exercise of their freedom of expression and opinion, including journalists and opposition political party members, remained in detention. These included some convicted in unfair trials, some whose trials continued, and some who continued to be detained without charge.
Access to detention centres for monitoring and documenting the treatment of detainees continued to be severely restricted.
Torture and other ill-treatment
Torture took place in local police stations, Maikelawi federal police station, federal and regional prisons and military camps.
Torture methods reported included: beating with sticks, rubber batons, gun butts and other objects; burning; tying in stress positions; electric shocks; and forced prolonged physical exercise. Some detention conditions amounted to torture, including detaining people underground without light, shackled and in prolonged solitary confinement.
Torture typically took place in the early stages of detention, in conjunction with the interrogation of the detainee. Torture was used to force detainees to confess, to sign incriminating evidence and to incriminate others. Those subjected to torture included prisoners of conscience, who were arrested for their perceived or actual expression of dissent.
Defendants in several trials complained in court that they were tortured or otherwise ill-treated in detention. The courts failed to order investigations into the complaints.
In several cases, prisoners of conscience were denied access to adequate medical care.
Oromia region
Ethnic Oromos continued to suffer many violations of human rights in efforts to suppress potential dissent in the region.
Large numbers of Oromo people continued to be arrested or remained in detention after arrests in previous years, based on their peaceful expression of dissent, or in numerous cases, based only on their suspected opposition to the government. Arrests were arbitrary, often made pre-emptively and without evidence of a crime. Many were detained without charge or trial, and large numbers were detained in unofficial places of detention, particularly in military camps throughout the region. There was no accountability for enforced disappearances or extrajudicial executions during 2014 or in previous years.
In the aftermath of the “Master Plan” protests, increased levels of arrests of actual or suspected dissenters continued. Large numbers of arrests were reported, including several hundred in early October in Hurumu and Yayu Woredas districts in Illubabor province, of high-school students, farmers and other residents.
There were further reports of arrests of students asking about the fate of their classmates arrested during the “Master Plan” protests, demanding their release and justice for those killed, including 27 reported to have been arrested in Wallega University in late November.
Refugees and asylum-seekers
Forcible returns
Ethiopian government agents were active in many countries, some of which cooperated with the Ethiopian authorities in forcibly returning people wanted by the government.
In January, two representatives of the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front were abducted and forcibly returned to Ethiopia from Nairobi, Kenya. They were in Nairobi to participate in further peace talks between the group and the government.
On 23 June, UK national Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of the outlawed Ginbot 7 movement, was rendered from Yemen to Ethiopia. On 8 July, a broadcast was aired on state-run ETV showing Tsige looking haggard and exhausted. By the end of the year, he was still detained incommunicado at an undisclosed location, with no access to lawyers or family. The UK government continued to be denied consular access, except for two meetings with the Ambassador, to one of which Andargachew Tsige was brought hooded, and they were not permitted to talk privately.
In March, former Gambella regional governor Okello Akway, who has Norwegian citizenship, was forcibly returned to Ethiopia from South Sudan. In June, he was charged with terrorism offences along with several other people, in connection with Gambella opposition movements in exile.
Forcible returns
Ethiopian government agents were active in many countries, some of which cooperated with the Ethiopian authorities in forcibly returning people wanted by the government.
In January, two representatives of the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front were abducted and forcibly returned to Ethiopia from Nairobi, Kenya. They were in Nairobi to participate in further peace talks between the group and the government.
On 23 June, UK national Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of the outlawed Ginbot 7 movement, was rendered from Yemen to Ethiopia. On 8 July, a broadcast was aired on state-run ETV showing Tsige looking haggard and exhausted. By the end of the year, he was still detained incommunicado at an undisclosed location, with no access to lawyers or family. The UK government continued to be denied consular access, except for two meetings with the Ambassador, to one of which Andargachew Tsige was brought hooded, and they were not permitted to talk privately.
In March, former Gambella regional governor Okello Akway, who has Norwegian citizenship, was forcibly returned to Ethiopia from South Sudan. In June, he was charged with terrorism offences along with several other people, in connection with Gambella opposition movements in exile.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
የአንዳርጋቸው ልደት በኖርዌይ
በዲሞክራሲያው ለውጥ በኢትዮጵያ ድጋፍ ድርጅት በኖርዌይ የወጣቶች ክፍል አዘጋጅነት የአርበኛውና ጀግናው አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ 60ኛ ዓመት የልደት በዓል ፌብሯሪ 14/2015 በተለያዩ ሰፊ ዝግጅቶች በደማቅ ሁኔታ ተከብሮ ውሏል። በኖርዌይ የሚገኙ ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን በብዛት በበዓሉ ታድመዋል። የኢሳት ጋዜጠኛ ገሊላ መኮነንም ተሳታፊ ነበረች።
ያ ቀን ለእኔ ልዩ ስሜት እንዲሰማኝ አድርጎኛል። ሁለት ዓይነት ስሜት፡ አንደኛው አንዳርጋቸው ምንም እንኳ በዚች ልዩ ቀን በመካከላችን ባይገኝም የህይወት መስዋትነት የከፈለበትን የኢትዮጵያን የወደፊት ተስፋ ማለትም የነጻነት፣ የፍትህና የዲሞክራሲ በአጠቃላይ የዜጎቿ መብት የሚከበርበት ቀን እየቀረበ መሆኑን ሳስብ የደስታ ስሜት፤ በለሌላ በኩል ደግሞ አንዲ ለነጻነት ብሎ በአረመኔው ወያኔ የሚደርስበትን መከራና ስቃይ ሳስብ ደግሞ ሃዘን ተሰምቶኛል።
The 60th Birhday celebration of Andy's Tsige in Oslo, Norway
ምን እናድርግ
·አንዳርጋቸውን እንሁን
· እርሱን እንላበስ፣ የእርሱን መንገድ እንከተል
· ፍርሃትን፣ አድር ባይነትን እናሶግድ
· አንዲ የሰጠንን ታላቅ አገራዊ ተልእኮ እንፈጽም
· ራዕዩን ከግብ ለማድረስ ቆርጠን እንነሳ፣ ቃል እንግባ!
ያ ቀን ለእኔ ልዩ ስሜት እንዲሰማኝ አድርጎኛል። ሁለት ዓይነት ስሜት፡ አንደኛው አንዳርጋቸው ምንም እንኳ በዚች ልዩ ቀን በመካከላችን ባይገኝም የህይወት መስዋትነት የከፈለበትን የኢትዮጵያን የወደፊት ተስፋ ማለትም የነጻነት፣ የፍትህና የዲሞክራሲ በአጠቃላይ የዜጎቿ መብት የሚከበርበት ቀን እየቀረበ መሆኑን ሳስብ የደስታ ስሜት፤ በለሌላ በኩል ደግሞ አንዲ ለነጻነት ብሎ በአረመኔው ወያኔ የሚደርስበትን መከራና ስቃይ ሳስብ ደግሞ ሃዘን ተሰምቶኛል።
The 60th Birhday celebration of Andy's Tsige in Oslo, Norway
በልደት በዓሉ ላይ የተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች ተከናውነዋል። ከነዚህም መካከል በዋናነት፦
· አንዳርጋቸው ማነው በሚል ሰፋ ባለ መልኩ ስለ አንዲ የህይወት ታሪክ፣ አላማ፣ በኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ውስጥ ያደረገው አስትዋጾ እና የወደፊት ራዕይ ለታዳሚው በሚገባ ገለጻ ተሰጧል
· በመቀጠልም የአንዳርጋቸውን ታሪክ የሚዳስስ አጭር ፊልም ቀርቧል፣
· በቅርበት ከሚያውቋቸውና ለአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ውህደት ወደ አስመራ በሄዱት በዶ/ር ሙሉአለም አዳም ስለ አንዳርጋቸው ማንነት እንዲሁም አንዳርጋቸው በወያኔ እጅ ከተያዘ በኋላም ህዝባዊ ኃይሉ ይበልጥ እየተጣነከረ መምጣቱን የአይን ምስክርነት ሰጠዋል፣
· በእየፕሮግራሙ መካከልም አቶ አንዳርጋቸውን የሚያወድሱና ስለጀግንነቱ የሚያወሩ የተለያዩ መጣጥፎች ቀርበዋል፣ ለምሳሌ አንዳርጋቸው፣ ሰው የሚወለደው፣ የአንዳርጋቸው ልደት፣ ለአንቺ ነው ኢትዮጵያና ፈርተህ አታስፈራኝ በሚሉ ርዕሶች ግጥም ቀርቧል።
ግጥም በኤልሳቤጥ ግርማ
· አንዳርጋቸው ማነው በሚል ሰፋ ባለ መልኩ ስለ አንዲ የህይወት ታሪክ፣ አላማ፣ በኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ውስጥ ያደረገው አስትዋጾ እና የወደፊት ራዕይ ለታዳሚው በሚገባ ገለጻ ተሰጧል
· በመቀጠልም የአንዳርጋቸውን ታሪክ የሚዳስስ አጭር ፊልም ቀርቧል፣
· በቅርበት ከሚያውቋቸውና ለአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ውህደት ወደ አስመራ በሄዱት በዶ/ር ሙሉአለም አዳም ስለ አንዳርጋቸው ማንነት እንዲሁም አንዳርጋቸው በወያኔ እጅ ከተያዘ በኋላም ህዝባዊ ኃይሉ ይበልጥ እየተጣነከረ መምጣቱን የአይን ምስክርነት ሰጠዋል፣
· በእየፕሮግራሙ መካከልም አቶ አንዳርጋቸውን የሚያወድሱና ስለጀግንነቱ የሚያወሩ የተለያዩ መጣጥፎች ቀርበዋል፣ ለምሳሌ አንዳርጋቸው፣ ሰው የሚወለደው፣ የአንዳርጋቸው ልደት፣ ለአንቺ ነው ኢትዮጵያና ፈርተህ አታስፈራኝ በሚሉ ርዕሶች ግጥም ቀርቧል።
ግጥም በኤልሳቤጥ ግርማ
በአቶ ማተቤ መለሰ
· በበዓሉ ላይ የተገኙ ኢትዮጵያውያን ለአንዲ ያላቸውን አክብሮት ይገልጹ ዘንድ የሃሳብ መስጫ ጊዜ ነበር። በዚህም ብዙዎች አንዳርጋቸውን እንሁን፣ እርሱን እንላበስ፣ የእርሱን መንገድ እንከተል፣ ፍርሃትን፣ አድር ባይነትን እናሶግድ፣ አንዲ የሰጠንን ታላቅ አገራዊ ተልእኮ እንፈጽም፣ ራዕዩን ከግብ ለማድረስ ቆርጠን እንነሳ፣ ቃል እንግባ በማለት ሃሳባቸውን ገልጸዋል።
በመጨረሻም ለልደት በዓሉ የተዘጋጀው ሻማ ተለኮሰ። አንዲ የለኮሰውን የነጻነት ብርሃን ምሳሌ ይሆን ዘንድ ሻማው እንዲበራ ተደረገ። አንዲ እራሱ አቅልጦ እኛን ነጻ እንዳደረገ ምሳሌ ትሆነው ዘንድ ሻማው እየቀለጠ ብርሃን እንዲፈነጥቅ ተለኮሰ። ለክብሩ የተዘጋጀው ኬክ በስሙ ተቆረሰ አንዲ በአካል ባይኖርም በመንፈስ ከእኛ ጋር ሁኖ ኬኩን እንዲቆርስ እንጋብዘዋለን! አንዲ የማይጨበጥ፣ የማይዳሰስ መንፈስ ነውና።
ሁላችንም “እኔ አንዳርጋቸው ነኝ” በማለት ቃል በመግባት በአንዳርጋቸው የተደረሰውን “ለአንቺ ነው ኢትዮጵያ” የሚለውን አገራዊ መዝሙር በአንድነት እየተዘመረ የተዘጋጀውን ኬክ የዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጥ በኢትዮጵጵያ ድጋፍ ድርጅት ኖርዌይ ሊቀመንበር በአቶ ዮሃንስ ዓለሙ ከወጣቶችና ሴቶች ተወካዮች ጋር በአንዳርጋቸው ስም በክብር እንዲቆርሱ ተደርጓል። ለቃል ኪዳን ይሆን ዘንድ ሁሉም የበዓሉ ታዳሚ ከኬኩ ተቋድሰዋል!
በአጠቃላይ የተከበረውና ያሰባሰበን ልዩ የልደት በዓል በዋናነት የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ አንድ የአደረገ ብሎም የዓለምን ቀልብ የማረከ፣ አለም አቀፍ የዜና መገናኛዎችን ትኩረት የሳበ የአርበኛው አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ቢሆንም ለእነ እስክንድር ነጋ፣ ርእዮት ዓለሙ፣ አንዷለም አራጌ፣ አቡበከር፣ በቀለ ገርባ፣ ኦልባና ሌሊሳ፣ ውብሸት ታዬ፣ አበበ ቀስቶ፣ አበበ ካሴ፣ ኦኬሎ አኳይ፣ የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማርያን፣ አብረሃ ደስታ፣ ተመስገን ደሳለኝ እና ብዙ ጋዜጠኞች፣ እንዲሁም ብዙ ሽህ እስረኞች ለነጻነት ሲሉ በስቃይና በመከራ ለሚገኙ ሁሉ መታሰቢያ ጭምር ነበር።
ሁላችንም “እኔ አንዳርጋቸው ነኝ” በማለት ቃል በመግባት በአንዳርጋቸው የተደረሰውን “ለአንቺ ነው ኢትዮጵያ” የሚለውን አገራዊ መዝሙር በአንድነት እየተዘመረ የተዘጋጀውን ኬክ የዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጥ በኢትዮጵጵያ ድጋፍ ድርጅት ኖርዌይ ሊቀመንበር በአቶ ዮሃንስ ዓለሙ ከወጣቶችና ሴቶች ተወካዮች ጋር በአንዳርጋቸው ስም በክብር እንዲቆርሱ ተደርጓል። ለቃል ኪዳን ይሆን ዘንድ ሁሉም የበዓሉ ታዳሚ ከኬኩ ተቋድሰዋል!
በአጠቃላይ የተከበረውና ያሰባሰበን ልዩ የልደት በዓል በዋናነት የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ አንድ የአደረገ ብሎም የዓለምን ቀልብ የማረከ፣ አለም አቀፍ የዜና መገናኛዎችን ትኩረት የሳበ የአርበኛው አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ቢሆንም ለእነ እስክንድር ነጋ፣ ርእዮት ዓለሙ፣ አንዷለም አራጌ፣ አቡበከር፣ በቀለ ገርባ፣ ኦልባና ሌሊሳ፣ ውብሸት ታዬ፣ አበበ ቀስቶ፣ አበበ ካሴ፣ ኦኬሎ አኳይ፣ የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማርያን፣ አብረሃ ደስታ፣ ተመስገን ደሳለኝ እና ብዙ ጋዜጠኞች፣ እንዲሁም ብዙ ሽህ እስረኞች ለነጻነት ሲሉ በስቃይና በመከራ ለሚገኙ ሁሉ መታሰቢያ ጭምር ነበር።
- ዛሬ ስለ አንዳርጋቸው የምንናገርበት፣ የምናወራበት፣ የምንመክርበት ብቻ አይደለም ይልቁንም በተግባር የምናሳይበት፣ ለዓላማው ቃል የምንገባበት፣ አጋርነታችንን የምናሳይበት እንጂ፤
- ዛሬ ኬክ ለክብሩ ለልደቱ የተዘጋጀውን መቆረስ ብቻ አይደለም ማንነታችንን የምንፈትሽበት፣ ወኔያችንን የምንለካበት፣ ኢትዮጵያውነታችንን የምንመሰክርበት ወቅት፣ ጊዜና ስዓት ነው፤
- ዛሬ አድነታችንን የምናጸናበት፣ ህብረታችንን የምንገልጽበት ልዩ ስዓት ነው
- ዛሬ የራሳችንን ነጻነት በእራሳችን ለማስከበር ቆርጠን የምንነሳበት ቀን ነው፤ ስደት፣ እንግልት፣እስራት፣ሞት፣ተጨቋኝነት፣ የበታችነት ይብቃ የምንልበት ቀን ነው።
- ዛሬ ፍትህና ነጻነት ለተነፈጉ፣ ድምጻቸው ለታፈነ፣ መብታቸው ለተረገጠ፣ ማንነታቸውን ላጡ በአንድነት የምንቆምበት ወቅት ነው።
- ዛሬ ሰባዊና ተፈጥሮአዊ መብታችንን ለማስከበር እራሳችንን አሳልፈን እስከ መስጠት ድረስ የምንታገልበት፣ የምንነሳበት፣ የምንወስንበት ቀን ነው። ምክንያቱም መብት ከለለ ሰውነት የለም፣ ነጻነት ከለለ ህይወት የለምና!እንስሳት እንኳ መብታቸውን የሚያስከብሩበት የራሳቸው ዜዴ አላቸው....እኛ ሰዎች ደግሞ ከእነርሱ የተለየን ውድ ፍጥረቶች ነንና!
- ከልጅነት እስከ እውቀት ለእናት አገራችን ጊዜውን፣ እውቀቱንና የግል ህይወቱን መስዋዕት አድርጎ ያቀረበ ልዩ ፍጥረት ስለ ሆነ፣
- አንድም ከአለማቀፍ አውሮፕላን ማረፊያ ከብዙ ሺህ መንገደኞች መኳከል አለማቀፍ ህግን በጣሰ መልኩ መታፈኑ፣
- አንድም ወያኔን ግራ ማጋባቱ፣ እንዳይፈቱት ፍርሃት እንዳያስሩት ጭንቀት ፈጥሮባቸዋል
- የቀደምት አርበኞችን ገድል ለአድሱ ትውልድ ለማስተላለፍ ድልድይ የሆነ ጎልማሳ አርበኛም ስለሆነ
- በቤተሰብና በዘመድ፣ የታላቋ ብሪታንያ የፓርላማ ተወካዮች እንዳይጎበኙት መደረጉ እንዲሁም የህግ ጠበቃ አለመኖሩ
- ለዓላማው የፀና ብርቱና ኃያል ሰው ስለሆነ ነው እንዲሁም የይቅርታ አባት ኢትዮጵያዊ ማንዴላ ስለሆነ
- ደም ሳይፈስ መስዋዕት የለም እንዲሉ አንዳርጋቸውም እራሱን ለመስዋዕትነት አዘጋጅቶ የቀረበላቸው ለኢትዮጵያ ነጻነት፣ አንድነትና ክብር ሲል
- በጥቅሉ ተልኮውን ስለፈጸመ ነው! የአንዲ ተልእኮ ኢትዮጵያ ከወያኔ ሰው በላ ቡድን ነጻ የምትወጣበትን ቀን ማቅረብ ነበር፣ ከአለምንም ጥርጥር ጊዜው ቀርቧል
- አንዳርጌ የሚከበር ፣ የሚወደድና በአእምሮው ትልቅነት ፣ በሰብአዊነቱና በአርቆ አሳቢነቱ – ማናቸውንም የነጻነት መስዋዕ ትነት ለመክፈል ባሳየው ቆራጥነት የአንድየን ልደት ልዩ አድርጎን በድምቀት እንድናከብረው አድርጎናል።
- በተለይ ለወጣቱ ህይወቱን አሳልፎ ሰጦ በእስር ቤትም ሁኖ የነጻነትን ተስፋ የአስተላለፈ ታላቅ ጀግና ነው።
- የቀደሙ አባቶቻችን የአገርን ሉዓላዊነት፣ የሕዝቧን ደህንነት፣ዳርድንበሯንና ሙሉ ታሪኳን አስከብረውና ጠብቀው ለእኛ ለአሁኑ ትውልድ ለማስረከብ ውድ ሕይዎታቸውን በሰማእትነት ከፍለዋል፤ ደማቸውን አፍስሰዋል፤ አጥንታቸውን ከስክሰዋል። አንዳርጋቸውም የአባቶቹን ፈለግ ተከትሎ ውድ ህይወቱን ከፍሎ የአገርን ትልቅ አደራ ለእኛ አስተላልፏል።
- ስለዚህ አንዳርጋቸው የአበው የትግል ታሪክን ተቀብሎ ለአዲሱ ትውልድ አሻገረ!
- የኢትዮጵያያን የሰላም፣የነጻነት ተስፋ ለትውልድ በራዕዩ አሳደረ!
- ወያኔ ከሀዲዎችን አራቆተ ማንነታቸውን ገለጠ ህይወታቸውን አከሰረ!
- ለነጻነት ለፍትህ ለዲሞክራሲ ለአንድነት ትግል ተጣራ እውነትን በዓለም አበሰረ!
- ነፃነት ፍትህ ዲሞክራሲ ካልሰፈነ በቀላሉ የሚፈነዳ የዘላለም ቦምብን ቀበረ! ህዝባዊ እሳትን ጫረ!
- አንዳርጋቸው የአንድነትን መስመር አሰመረ!
- ድካሙ፣ ትግሉ ለአንቺ ነው ኢትዮጵያ ብሎ ኢትዮጵያውያንን በአገር ፍቅር፣ በአገር ስሜት አዘመረ!
- በመወለዱ ህዝብ ሁሉ ደስ አለው እርሱም በልደቱ አማረ!
- እንደ ማንዴላ ኢትዮጵያውያንን በስራቱ ነጻ ለማውጣት ጉዞ ጀመረ!
- አንዳርጋቸው አንድ አደረገን ኢትዮጵያ ነጻ ትውጣ ብሎ የአንድነትን ቃል ተናገረ!
·አንዳርጋቸውን እንሁን
· እርሱን እንላበስ፣ የእርሱን መንገድ እንከተል
· ፍርሃትን፣ አድር ባይነትን እናሶግድ
· አንዲ የሰጠንን ታላቅ አገራዊ ተልእኮ እንፈጽም
· ራዕዩን ከግብ ለማድረስ ቆርጠን እንነሳ፣ ቃል እንግባ!
ኢትዮጵያ በጀግኖች ልጆችዋ ተከብራ ትኖራለች!
አንዲ ራዕይህ እውን ይሆናል! ቀጣይ የልደት በዓልህ ላይ በአካል እንደምትገኝ በእምነት ተስፋ እናደርጋለን!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
U.S Policy: Ethiopia a Failed State (Documentary)
by E – Veracity
Watch this documentary; U.S Policy: Ethiopia a Failed State (Documentary)
“The testimonies in the video are gut-wrenching, graphic and heartbreaking but still it is worth tching.” Obang Metho
Ethiopia is at a crossroad. The internal social-economic and religious inter-relationship is in turmoil. Much of the conflict is along ethnic lines that have been ever growing since the current government’s grasp to power. The current government in Ethiopia has been in power for a total of almost 24 years, and it is based on a single ethnic minority group. The government has made sure to control all sectors of the country with its own ethnic group. The military, religious, and economic composition has always and still continues to revolve around the Tigray ethnic group.
To prolong its grasp on power, the Tigray government has been using the age-long known strategy of divide-conquer. It has pitted several ethnic groups against each other and particularly the major ethnic groups, the Amhara and Oromo. There have been several genocides, massacres, and ethnic cleansings that have taken place throughout the country, and not one individual has been held accountable for all those killings and massacres.
Political parties are not allowed to exist unless they serve the Tigray government’s interests. Private and independent Medias are not allowed to function, and those that do are intimidated and abused on a regular basis to point where they are exiled. Several hundred Journalists have been exiled and many more have been put in prison to serve decade long sentences that were based on tramped up bogus charges.
Religious tension within the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewhado is another factor where the Tigray government has practically cleared all other ethnic groups and put its own ethnic groups in control of all Church matters creating two Church leaderships. The Tigray government has also split Muslim community by illegal appointing its own Muslim leaders as opposed to those chosen by the community.
The western policy and particularly that of the U.S has been complete deliberate ignorance to promote its Al-Shabab interests. The U.S has not done anything other than give lip service to the Ethiopian people. This deliberate ignorance, however, could be costly for the U.S as Ethiopia is heading on to full-fledged failed state, and its own reports confirm this; and yet still support the Tigray government. The disintegration of Ethiopia will inevitably lead to the disintegration of the horn. Time is of the essence and the issue needs to be immediately confronted.
Ethiopia shall persevere and prevail!
Watch this documentary; U.S Policy: Ethiopia a Failed State (Documentary)
“The testimonies in the video are gut-wrenching, graphic and heartbreaking but still it is worth tching.” Obang Metho
Ethiopia is at a crossroad. The internal social-economic and religious inter-relationship is in turmoil. Much of the conflict is along ethnic lines that have been ever growing since the current government’s grasp to power. The current government in Ethiopia has been in power for a total of almost 24 years, and it is based on a single ethnic minority group. The government has made sure to control all sectors of the country with its own ethnic group. The military, religious, and economic composition has always and still continues to revolve around the Tigray ethnic group.
To prolong its grasp on power, the Tigray government has been using the age-long known strategy of divide-conquer. It has pitted several ethnic groups against each other and particularly the major ethnic groups, the Amhara and Oromo. There have been several genocides, massacres, and ethnic cleansings that have taken place throughout the country, and not one individual has been held accountable for all those killings and massacres.
Political parties are not allowed to exist unless they serve the Tigray government’s interests. Private and independent Medias are not allowed to function, and those that do are intimidated and abused on a regular basis to point where they are exiled. Several hundred Journalists have been exiled and many more have been put in prison to serve decade long sentences that were based on tramped up bogus charges.
Religious tension within the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewhado is another factor where the Tigray government has practically cleared all other ethnic groups and put its own ethnic groups in control of all Church matters creating two Church leaderships. The Tigray government has also split Muslim community by illegal appointing its own Muslim leaders as opposed to those chosen by the community.
The western policy and particularly that of the U.S has been complete deliberate ignorance to promote its Al-Shabab interests. The U.S has not done anything other than give lip service to the Ethiopian people. This deliberate ignorance, however, could be costly for the U.S as Ethiopia is heading on to full-fledged failed state, and its own reports confirm this; and yet still support the Tigray government. The disintegration of Ethiopia will inevitably lead to the disintegration of the horn. Time is of the essence and the issue needs to be immediately confronted.
Ethiopia shall persevere and prevail!
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